Automated the Continuous Software Delivery Across All Multiple Applications

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Our Client is a financial institution that has several customers and internal automated software applications.

The software development teams have an existing platform and a framework to develop and build these automated applications and the operations team was responsible for the infrastructure and tools to release the applications.

With the comprising of various tools in the overall platform, the tools have made work easy in the field of developing, releasing, tracking issues and notifying, and in releasing governance notifications.

The client had automated the tests and used continuous integration tools (Jenkins) to automate the code integration and the build of the applications.

Challenges in Automated Apps

The key challenge for the team for these automated applications was that the release process of a single application was taking around 10 to 15 days and multiple application releases made the management of the releases complex.

The existing automation tools such as Jenkins helped Client accelerate some of the builds and the release process, however, the overall orchestration process took a significant time including the change in management issues, analysis and decision-making, issues in resolution approval process, and rapid deployment of the code onto N+1 environments.

In case of errors in the automated applications during the build process, rollback, issue resolution, approval, and redo, build were taking significant time

The creation of dependencies and the increase in wait time was done by the integration of all the applications.

It took 24 – 48 hours to get the tickets resolve after raising the deployment tickets. In addition, there were no feedback and notifications to all the stakeholders.

The resolution times sometimes took longer to analyze the issues during the build and make a decision to promote the build to a N+1 environment.

Solution and Outcomes

To ensure continuous delivery, all the tools(including the management change in the release and ticket) was integrated to optimize the DevOps model.

The reduction of wait time between promoting the build was made with the help of validation of programme.

To take care of multiple releases effectively and promote collaboration, the requirement of visual interface became easy-to-use for orchestration.

The solution involved analysis, design, and deployment of the tool along with the process changes enabling complex multiple deliveries and orchestration of end-to-end application lifecycle.

Outcomes include:

  • It cut down in building and the releasing time to less than a day from 10 to 15 days
  • Within 10 days or more than the deployments were set across multiple applications
  • Reduced wait time between build promotions
  • Reduced dependencies and improved team collaboration
  • Improved continuous delivery across multiple applications and environments
  • Improved end-to-end process

To know more about continuous delivery click here.

AthenaAutomated the Continuous Software Delivery Across All Multiple Applications
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Increase Efficiencies in DevOps to Accelerate in Software Releasing

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Several enterprises have moved towards agile and DevOps model but have challenges in taking the advantages of these models. Most of these enterprises have legacy methodologies and technologies in software releasing that causing challenges in transitioning to modern efficient models.

Our client is a global software company that serves financial services customers. Our client had several inefficiencies in their software release management that were causing delays in software releases and customer disappointment.


The client had challenges in software releasing on time as planned. First, there was no standardization in the release management process. The current release management process was partly automated with weaker accountability.

The pass/fail criteria for a release every sprint in the SCRUM process were weakly defined and the overall team lacked transparency to make quick decisions on the issues. Second, there were several independent legacy technologies being used to build and software releasing to the N+1 environment.

The manual handshake was not coordinated well and there was a clear need for automation of not just the handshakes but automating the critical test cases and regression test cases. There was no tool that orchestrated the release process end-to-end that gave transparency not just to developers but also to the product/business team.

Finally, there were gaps in understanding between business and development/release teams on how and when the finished releases would be launched to the customers.

Solution and Outcomes in software releasing

Antra captured and analyzed the current development, build, and release process to identify the key inefficiencies that were hindering high-quality software releases to their customers.

We participated in client sprint cycles and interviewed the team to understand and identify the process flows, tools used, and the key issues currently faced.

Antra’s solution composed of

  1. Standardize the software release management process to reduce complexity and increase transparency and accountability
  2. Automate the test cases and the release management process using industry standard technologies
  3. Establish an agile framework to prioritize and release the business features with the proposed automated solution

The solution offered:

  • Increased software release throughput by 70%
  • Faster time to market on business features
  • Faster regression cycles and Improved software quality

Antra solution also consisted a clear road map with an analytical and ROI model that demonstrates desired software release model with the solution. Antra proposed and implemented a test pilot software release with the proposed solution to demonstrate the benefits of the ROI model presented.

AthenaIncrease Efficiencies in DevOps to Accelerate in Software Releasing
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